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My Story

My Writing Journey

I’ve been listening and writing for as long as I can remember, but in 2023 I decided to dedicate myself full-time to listening and storytelling. Tuning into the quiet and then letting the words come. Poetry, songs, short stories, personal essays, videos ... 

My cocoon phase is done. I've popped out with two itty-bitty, white wings that look like I pulled them from a down-filled pillow. I'm done asking, "What if I fall?" I most surely will. But I will also fly. In the breezy freedom of being me.

No one's waiting with bated breath for my creations. But somehow, I am. And that is enough.


If you're thinking maybe I could be a medium through which your story gets told, let's talk about it. Maybe it's a poem, a song, short story or video ... ?

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